2015-02-09 - Franklin Hills at Dawn


~8.4 miles @ ~12.7 min/mi

"HUMP" the sign on Powhatan St says, provoking banter as to whose mind is first into the gutter. Kerry, Kristin, and I are trying a new route this morning, further southeast along Old Dominion Dr and via Birch Rd into a beautiful hilly neighborhood that Kerry remembers house-hunting in ~2000. The huge eagle statue we saw months ago still perches atop a mansion. Birds greet the springlike sunrise. Kristin carefully avoids pointing out abandoned food by the sidewalk, lest I pick it up and eat it. She laughs when I mention not fighting the squirrels yesterday for a torn-open bag of chocolate chip cookies in the parking garage. (Hey, that's just professional courtesy among scroungers!) Runkeeper records route.

^z - 2015-03-04